
    It is cold, so cold you feel like your brain is freezing sometimes, a kind of foreign sensation for the roof of your mouth, but we all love it, we dream for it, like for the forbidden fruit! Continue reading



   If I was a writer I would write a philosophy book about the human personality, emotions, communication (verbal, physical, psychological, etc.), rather than a romantic fairy tale with happy love-end, but this doesn’t mean I don’t need reading one! It’s a fact I am not a writer, but just a person with opinion. Moreover I’ve found out stories can be told not only by words, but also by photos. Do you agree, each photography can be like a word, preposition, even a short story, it acts upon out fantasies and helps our minds to become the real creators? Continue reading


62854_10201051612477076_153172903_n    Here I am today, bringing you another part of good mood and style inspiration. To help me with my mission, I invited Georgiana Boboc, an artistic woman, a journalist and fashion curator. The emotions her style offers is like travel into an exotic country where you can find those old tiny streets with colorful facades, hardworking people and joyful music coming out from a small corner shop for antics……leading you to a big market square fulfill of pretty enchanting handmade stuffs, flowers and fruits! Mmmmm, I can’t get enough of this imagination! Continue reading


17661_10200203323580001_232765328_n      Do you realize how much love is there for us and from us FOR the ….people, friends, animals, LIFE, colors, clothes, SHOES, (WO)MEN, PARENTS, sun, music, FOOD, parties, BOOKS, clothes, shopping, hobby….If every day we spend our time with all those ”components”, I think we are going to be happy, healthy and beautiful….and WE ARE! Look at you! Show to the rest of the world all the things you like about you and let all the people who deserve, to enjoy your qualities and you theirs. Love makes us better! Appreciating your emotions and working on the first place to please your confidence (do not mistake this with being selfish and introspective) can make you the perfect source of happiness for the people who need you and love you!   Continue reading



TRAVELING…..Choosing destination, buying tickets, buying new clothes, preparing the luggage, waking up early in the morning, feeling you’ve been waiting for this moment like forever. It takes a lot of energy and time, but think about all the new places, people, emotions, the magic of unknown… It help you open your eyes wider and wider, unveiling hidden nooks of your mind, enriching the tablature about what life, culture and existence can be. This is something “must do” for everybody, just like boys should go to the military barracks to become men. Mmmm, closing my eyes and imagining I have to go to a new foreign country in a week, fills me up with such a positive spirit and makes me shiver!      Continue reading



     Those days I was thinking about how important is style about the city and how much the first impression of a visitor depends on how the locals dress up! Of course, it’s much about the architecture (it takes the first place), about the infrastructure, the season (some cities are very ugly in the winter but nicer in the spring when trees and flowers wake up), the history and the economy, even about the prices and entertainments. But all those go together with people and they usually should put some clothes on. It reminds me that even Eva and Adam used to “wear” some leaves!     Continue reading



     Definitely TO BE…when we are talking about confidence! Are you afraid of being confident? –Sometimes yes, sometimes no, it depends on the situation…bla bla bla! We are strong in front of the people we consider weaker and not so bold for the higher-up. And why is that? We are all humans with brain, heart, doing mistakes and achieving success. We are distinctive individuals! We have our advantages and being familiar with them is our trump card. We should learn what we can offer and how to promote it to others, that might be interested. It can be our recipe to live and survive using your abilities with pleasure and passion. Never stop caring about other’s feelings, as much as this doesn’t hurt yours! Risking to be denied, I would say sometimes we should be prescient and think for our own good in the near future, WITHOUT interfere other’s happiness, of course!    Continue reading

CoLoR Me! AcCeSsOrIzE Me!


Say HELLO to Petia. She is studding Fashion Design in the National Academy of Arts Sofia, Bulgaria. Art, in all its variations is the biggest pleasure in her life. Continue reading