Sweet from the outside, a fire from the inside


   Ciao, my stylish and fabulous friend! Here I come again, ready to stole your attention for few minutes, meeting you with Elisah Jacobs, an open-hearted person with a great taste for life. Continue reading


62407_10151297612382511_1223857797_n    Talking about sun and summer all the time finally is giving results-30 ˚C, here in Bulgaria. I can complain at all, but you know, people are an odd ‘breed’, or maybe more specifically, we, women…. asking all the time about the same thing and when we get it, we usually  find something unpleasant, losing the chance to enjoy our desires fulfilled. That’s why is the saying “be careful what you wish for”, but I would agree more with “Make your aims come true” dictum. That’s why I continue communicating and keeping in touch with new creative happy personalities, who make my days look like holidays! Continue reading